Tuesday, January 24, 2006

U.S. UAVs Mapping RADAR Sites in Iran

Above is an interesting link to an interview discussing the current (bad) situation with Iran. Iran has complained to the United Nations that the United States has been making illegal survalence flights into Iranian airspace mapping RADAR and other Iranian strategic military sites.

Unmanned US drones have already been flying into Iranian air space for mapping Iranian radar systems and spying over military facilities; in October last year Iran complained about these illegal acts to the UN, stating that two such drones had come down some one over a hundred miles inside Iran.
Iranian Air Defenses are no joke. Regime change in Iran will require a much more intense effort than that took to prick Sadam Hussain from Iraq. Philip Giraldi, an ex-CIA officer, has reported in an August 1, 2005 Amercian Conserative article that Vice-President Dick Cheny has told the Pentagon to prepare a target list to include tactical nuclear strikes against fortified Iranian nuclear research targets.

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